
Control Android with Kali Linux | Termux

Controlling Android with Kali Linux or with windows, Mac or any Linux distro is easy with Scrcpy which stands for screen copy.

Scrcpy tool is used for controlling Android phone using ADB (Android Debug Bridge), and this can be done even wirelessly as from Android 11 we can use Wireless debugging which allow us to use adb wirelessly.

So In this article we will be using scrcpy tool in Termux via Nethunter, you can even use any other distro like arch, debian, Ubuntu, etc. This tool is already available in Arch and Debian repositories but make sure that they are of version 1.18 or higher as if you are using Android 12 then the tool will not work if tool's version is less that v1.17

Installation :

First login to the distro you installed, Here I am using Nethunter Rootless.


Now we need to install it's dependencies, so just execute following

sudo apt install -y  ffmpeg libsdl2-2.0-0 adb libusb-1.0-0 gcc git pkg-config meson ninja-build libsdl2-dev \  libavcodec-dev libavdevice-dev libavformat-dev libavutil-dev \

 libusb-1.0-0-dev openjdk-11-jdk -y

Next we need to clone the tool and change directory to it

git clone https://github.com/Genymobile/scrcpy
cd scrcpy

Now execute installation file


Once the above process finished, the you start the tool make sure you have GUI installed and also the phone is connected via adb (You can follow this guide to use adb in Termux). If you doing this in termux like mine then start your vncserver first. Execute following to start the tool


Once you executed above then you will be able to see your's phone screen on it.

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